Management of the electromagnetic environment for all

With the increase in digital usage, electromagnetic fields are now an integral part of environmental health issues. Good personal practice, public policy, risk prevention in the workplace – everyone is affected by this topic.

Jeune femme au téléphone dans la ville

for your

local authorities

Exem can help you manage public exposure through our EMF City Management services offer: training, measurement, mapping, real estate valorisation, etc.

for yourself

as an individual

Information, understanding, awareness-raising, high and low frequency exposure measurements, best practices… Exem offers you personalised solutions.

for your


Exem provides you with risk assessment solutions to guarantee the safety of your workers and ensure your compliance with the regulations in place.

for your


Compliance, social responsibility or responses to the concerns of your workforce… Exem helps you create a safe working environment.

for your

telecoms infrastructures

Exem offers comprehensive support for the deployment of your infrastructures, ensuring compliance with regulatory environmental standards and the safety of your employees.

for your

real estate parks

Exem supports you in your efforts to achieve HQE certification, enhance the value of your assets, raise awareness among your residents and highlight your social responsibility.


Everything you need to know about electromagnetic fields, straight to your inbox

Technicien en train de faire des relevés devant un parc d'éoliennes


Exem's response

Our ambition is to provide solutions to the environmental health challenges we are facing. We have therefore developed a range of solutions that enable us to respond effectively, not only to regulations, but also to the many recommendations made in terms of monitoring and usage. Uncertainties about long-term effects have also prompted us to innovate in order to take account of the, sometimes, intensive use of digital terminals by younger generations.


Raising awareness

Everyone needs to be aware of the possible impact of electromagnetic fields on their environment and be able to inform themselves about the precautions to be taken. Raising awareness on this subject is essential, as it enables people to make informed decisions about their exposure to electromagnetic fields.



Responsibility for environmental health linked to electromagnetic fields does not only lie with individuals. Decision-makers, regulatory authorities, companies and manufacturers of electronic equipment are also involved. Regulations are therefore needed to set exposure limits that are deemed safe.



Ongoing research into environmental health and electromagnetic fields is crucial. Scientists, researchers and experts play a key role in evaluating the available scientific evidence and providing evidence-based recommendations.