All the latest news from Exem

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Aurillac, a transparent look at exposure to electromagnetic fields

In the heart of Aurillac, whether in the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville or the Rue du Carmel, a new

Tours Métropole Val de Loire leads the way in transparency by mapping its exposure to electromagnetic fields by bicycle

Tours Métropole Val de Loire worked with EXEM to map electromagnetic exposure in Tours city centre on the 7th of

A new identity, reflecting the evolution of our business

We recently took a major decision that marked a significant turning point in our history as a company...

Avignon takes a proactive approach to 5G

The city of Avignon has taken a bold initiative to address its citizens' concerns about the roll-out of 5G on

Blois, a city committed to the management of electromagnetic fields in its territory

The town of Blois is committed to the management of electromagnetic fields in its area: consultation, transparency and real-time monitoring.

Electromagnetic radiation: what are the regulatory requirements for your DUERP?

The EXEM team is pleased to invite you to its webinar on the risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields in

Responsible electromagnetic field management: Tours Métropole Val de Loire projects

Tours is equipping itself with real-time measurement sensors to provide a better understanding of fluctuations in electromagnetic fields...

Exem extends its accredited measurement range to 40 GHz

Exem has recently extended its COFRAC-accredited measurement range to enable it to fully explore the capabilities of the new 5G

The role of local authorities in managing exposure to electromagnetic fields

Strasbourg's Eurometropole gives us the keys for an area committed to managing exposure to electromagnetic fields. Discover its best practices...

Exposure to electromagnetic fields: EXEM and GEOMOD join forces to support local authorities

EXEM and GEOMOD have joined forces to offer local authorities a comprehensive range of electromagnetic field measurement and simulation services.

Innopolis Expo Paris 2022: Meet EXEM at the exhibition that gives meaning to regional innovation

Join EXEM at Innopolis Expo Paris 2022 to discover the EMF Observatory: the platform for monitoring electromagnetic field exposure.

The EMF Observatory extended to Bordeaux Metropole

Bordeaux Métropole is deploying an additional 30 sensors in the region's communes. Measurement results are available at


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