The EMF Observatory extended to Bordeaux Metropole

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Following the installation of the first three sensors in the centre of Bordeaux last December by the company EXEM, as part of the experiment led by the French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR), Bordeaux Métropole has offered the municipalities in its area the opportunity to benefit from this measurement system, with the installation of 30 additional sensors, with each municipality having the choice of where to locate the sensor. Deployment is nearing completion. The initial results of these measurements are now available to everyone on the website.

observatoiredesondes bordeaux

New 5G antennas: some thirty sensors installed in Bordeaux to measure exposure to electromagnetic fields

This decision to deploy an electromagnetic field monitoring system demonstrates the determination of the elected representatives of the Bordeaux metropolitan area to provide transparency to citizens and, above all, to act in accordance with the recommendations of the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES). The elected representatives of the Bordeaux metropolitan area have even anticipated the results of the ANSES report. Bordeaux Métropole residents will now be able to benefit from the EMF Observatory, with continuous access to all measurements via the website:

Delphine Jamet, metropolitan councillor responsible for digital services, is delighted with the commissioning, explaining

These electromagnetic field sensors have been installed as a priority near sites with a high level of public use or near sensitive sites (schools, etc.). The aim is to collect real-time exposure measurements. With this monitoring system in place, we will be able to assess the impact of the new 5G antennas on the electromagnetic field exposure of our fellow citizens in the Bordeaux area.”

A unique supervision service in France and Europe

Designed and developed by Toulouse-based company; EXEM, this wave monitoring system is designed to help local authorities provide answers to questions from the general public about their exposure to electromagnetic fields. It is based on the deployment of a network of communicating sensors that make the data accessible in real time (several measurements are taken every day). In the context of the rapid digital transformation of our society, the EMF Observatory is an impartial and reliable tool for shedding light on the societal debate that pits economic development against environmental and public health concerns. With Bordeaux Métropole, residents of Rennes, Nantes, Marseille and soon Brussels will also have access to the results of electromagnetic field measurements carried out in their city.


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